They already researched it once and told us. No mention of clots, fetus tissue, heart affects. But it is from Jehovah.
Waiting to see if October 1 brings more attendees and if they will find a way to still require masks.
click image to enlarge. page 2!
They already researched it once and told us. No mention of clots, fetus tissue, heart affects. But it is from Jehovah.
Waiting to see if October 1 brings more attendees and if they will find a way to still require masks.
yes, that is an actual question in the awake magazine.
jw kids lives are already miserable enough trying to obey all the ignorant rules of the wt.. no sports, no school dance, no holidays.... just field service.
as if that isn't enough.... let's take away their puppy dogs too!.
I remember the scandal of neighbor girl wearing jeans with a zipper in front instead on the side. My interest was behind the zipper even at 8.
Riding horses makes girls horny was the story but I never benefited.
Need greaters get rid of their dogs, then miss the therapy provided. My dog is at my feet, cat asleep in a recliner.
our witness friend who during covid grew his beard has been hassled by elders who asked him "why" he chose to have facial growth.
he for real, had to give an answer why.
this is pharasees total rubbish.
Waiting for the other shoe to drop. One elder had a mild fit. One and his wife just looked. A few friends of wife no comment, except for one suggesting a goatee or vandyke. Still zooming due to family health. I am same person, kind, helpful. Will not miss assigned skits one bit.
any news about how it's going with the return too door 2 door preaching?
are the jws excited about it?
are they facing any opposition to it by householders?
No way to know meeting attendees but zoom is down to fewer than 20 from 50 3 weeks ago and 30 last week.
Dtd came by to fill time complete with masks
it's been years since i posted here.
my jw mother died july 5th.
it was quite honestly not that emotional for me.
Condolences. We are beat down by the " not grieving " BS. That said, my parents were the never going to pass away generation. They were good people. It is part of the realization of TTAT. Along with the missed opportunities, petty mean brothers.
our witness friend who during covid grew his beard has been hassled by elders who asked him "why" he chose to have facial growth.
he for real, had to give an answer why.
this is pharasees total rubbish.
Reasons: . It might offend someone. A beard is rarely seen in the US, though accepted in parts of Europe. You will not qualify for stage parts. ( talk about a hollow threat)
I have been complimented by neighbors, family, friends on covering my mug.
As for rare, surveys show 1/3 to 1/2 US men have facial hair. I did an informal survey at the mall, 7 of 10 had beards, and not just mustaches either.
If I shave it will offend neighbors, family, workmates, and me. Neatly trimmed,xtoo.
the issue of whether beards are acceptable or not is addressed in the september 2016 watchtower - well sort of.
it is as clear as mud as to whether they are allowed in places like australia, usa and britain.. 17. what are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard?17 what about the propriety of brothers wearing a beard?
the mosaic law required men to wear a beard.
This ugly head just came up. Skin conditiin? Not be in school? Unamerican!? Baptism not allowed fir new guy.
The article was clear as mud. A citation on Israelite men said they had neatly trimmed beards, then cites the scripture forbidding cutting beards.
Time to block phone numbers.
The scene of the world us changing. (tm)
That said, the queen was popular and took her position seriously. I hope good for and from CharsrlesIII.
The radio had interviews from england. Criticism I thought unfair; homely, white( yellow pink actually), male, lineage, and has speech writers. !! This from a young professional woman who saw fit to abandon India for better opportunities arising from what she decries. I have never met an Indian immigrant from a low caste (it still exists), they have no opportunity. "If the shoe fits....."
does anyone know what publication is being studied at the midweek meetings.
i used to know but it has flown out of my brain.
it is treating some of past issues that were once taught by the wts or have seen material that questions it.
The " bible study"( actually bookstudy) is last. It has lots of videos interspersed. The student talks are skits. As usual 5 minutes material will fill a half hour. Announcrments are dead last, so no more waiting until after middle song, getting any tidbits and leaving.
You can find the schedule and material under meetings on JW library, no passwords or joining needed.
I fear for the future of the royal family. Charles and I grew up together, separated only by language, a puddle, and a few million quid. I really thought the queen was going to outlive him.
Slim chance I will see William and Kate ascend. They seem to have couth.